New Project: Barbarian Babe
This work-in-progress miniature is the "Barbarian Babe" model, sculpted by my favourite sculptor Tom Meier and based on a drawing by Keith Parkinson. The miniature is produced by Dark Sword Miniatures and part of their Parkinson Masterworks series. The series is amazingly high quality and was a nominee in the Origin Awards 2005 for the Best Miniature Line of 2004. As practically anything sculpted by Tom Meier, this model is so detailed that my eyesight and hand-eye coordination are really struggling with it (this is 33 mm miniature, which is hard to believe).
I'm practicing here painting dark skin, which is pretty hard to master. The cloak was originally of pinkish colour and really did not fit the skin colour at all so I re-basecoated it red. The swords are still just primed and the base only basecoated. I will probably use this miniature as a Hasharin (haradrim assassin in GW's Middle-Earth) if I ever end up using this in a game.
By the way, I'm actually posting this to test Picasa's support for Blogger. Looks great so far! The only thing is that Picasa does not have a field for tags, so they must be added afterwards.