Amon Hen Gimli and Legolas
I finished another two miniatures for the Amon Hen diorama; Gimli and Legolas. There's only Boromir and a couple of Uruk-hai to paint - and of course a nice base for the whole thing.
Gimli was painted for the One Ring January Painting Challenge. I went for the traditional movie look with dark red armour and grey Elven Cloak. For some reason Gimli has always been one of my favourite miniatures to paint, this is already the third one!
And here's Legolas, also the third one. Not because the models are especially good (well, they aren't bad either), but one Legolas comes in pretty much every movie related box. The colours here are a bit brighter than in the movies, but it just means that he will possibly look better in a diorama than a mostly greyish model.
I downloaded the trial version Aperture and these photos are retouched with it instead of Photoshop Elements, which I have used previously. So far Aperture seems a pretty neat organization and retouching application.