I finally finished the Minas Tirith command group. I ended up having a little bit trouble with the paints. I ran out of the trusty old Mithril Silver paint and decided to give Vallejo Model Colour a try. Bad move. The metal flakes in Vallejo silver were quite large compared to Citadel paints and the carrier fluid was also not too good quality, making edge highlighting impossible. From now on, I'll make sure to stay away from Vallejo metals though some of their paints are really good (like Model Color browns).

I bought a bigger pot (20 ml) of Hobby Line silver paint just out of curiosity (apparently learning nothing form my previous expedition out from Citadel land). It turned out very nice, with half the price compared to Citadel (3,60 € for 20 ml) and very good consistency. As can be seen from the tree emblem in the flag, it's tint is slightly different from Citadel Chainmail, which is the basecoat for the armours. This clearly needs more experimenting.

Anyway, the command group is now painted and after I re-base some of my old warriors of Minas Tirith, I can play the first scenario of the Battle of Pelennor Fields book. The old (2003) minis have a very 'traditional' and ugly Goblin Green base rim with green flock on the bases and I want to get them matching with my current board and newer miniatures.