I finished painting the hasharin for the May Painting Challenge in the One-Ring. Because the "official" hasharin miniature is currently out of print, I had a wonderful excuse to buy the Dark Sword Miniatures "Male Assassin" from their Visions in Fantasy series instead.
The colour scheme here is quite similar but not exactly the same as I used in my other haradrim. The red and gold are slightly brighter, and I used black more than in the other warriors. I initially painted the black scarf that runs around his head purple, but repainted it black afterwards. Adding purple to the already colourful mix made the miniature look quite restless.

I used on the skin a modified version of the face painting method from Vallejo blog. The original technique works for larger scale minis (I've used it succesfully for a 90 mm miniature) but the colours work well for smaller ones as well.

This miniature will debut in a game in which his mission is to assassinate Prince Imrahil in the Dol Amroth - Harad war.

Here is a size comparison shot showing a GW Haradrim Chieftain, Dark Sword Assassin, GW Haradrim Warrior and a Dark Sword Elf. DS miniatures are a bit taller than GW's, but close enough that they just look taller individuals. The proportions are a bit more problematic because GW miniatures are slightly more cartoony, with larger heads, bulkier bodies and thicker weapons. Luckily GW chose to make their LotR miniatures quite realistic instead of the Warhammer style.