New month, new painting challenge. The June Painting Challenge in One-Ring is "Royalty". I chose Gil-Galad, the High King of noldor in Middle-earth, because

  • I had one primed and based in my "strategic reserve box"
  • he is needed in the Sauron Unleashed scenario I want to play
  • I get to experiment with High Elf armour painting technique, which I want to get in good shape before tackling armoured models of Elladan and Elrohir
Here is the traditional proof picture and the first progress update:

The face, chainmail and outer cloaks are finished, but everything else is simply basecoated with just the base colour splashed on, no shades or highlights. I used a new technique (new for me) for the silvery inner cloak: I painted it with dark green and mixed in silver paint for the highlights, getting it look like glittery fabric and hopefully not metal. The weird green stripes in the armour will be a bit more subdued in the end. Their purpose is to give the brass/golden armour a greenish tint. We'll see how that goes...