I started building some terrain - or more precisely, continued some old wip projects. Terrain building is for me a necessary evil for being able to play on a nicely modelled board. I much prefer miniature painting.

This ruin is an old "River City Ruins" kit from Antenociti's workshop. It is no longer available; I bought it several years ago. The pieces are ready-cast Hirst Arts blocks and exceptionally well done and durable compared to my own plaster castings.

I'm following the excellent "Art of Flor(a)" terrain basing guide here. At this phase I have attached the painted ruins on the base board and the base has been flocked with scatters and static grass. You can see a couple of cocktail sticks there, they will become bushes in the next phase.

Here we have a bridge. I have made sure it will fit with my older river sections. This is also unfinished; the building phase is completed, but the base needs some scatters and vegetation. I'll work through the Antenociti guide first using the ruins above as an example and try to apply the new ideas on this terrain piece after that.