I finished the River City Ruins I've been building for some time now. I re-weathered the stonework, which was a bit on the red side earlier when I used sanguine powder. Now I bought dark green and brown pastel sticks and scraped some pigment powder from them with a knife. I mixed the powders and brushed it to the ruins, into places where moss and slime would gather. The green and brown mix looks quite a lot better than the brighter reddish brown.

I also made some vines by brushing thins lines of glue onto the pillars and sprinkling green scatter on them. Then I glued some coloured birch tree seeds onto the green lines as larger leaves. I also added some brown birch seeds on the ground as dried leaves.

The Art of Flora article, which taught all these tricks, was excellent. I learned a lot from it and I'll be using these new tricks on my next terrain pieces.

As a warning to fellow bloggers, never ever blog anything from Picasa. That worthless piece of junk happily discards your texts in its pseudo-browser-based editor if you happen to use cursor movement with modifier keys, like Cmd+left, or test a link. It also does not save drafts anywhere, unlike the real web application. Instead it happily throws you away form the editor for the slightest reason without bothering to ask anything.