Uruk-hai Scout Captain
This guy here is a captain from the Uruk-hai Command set. I think he is more lightly armoured than the old metal Uruk-hai captains, so I painted him to lead my scout Uruk-hai warband. I really like this pose, it is very suitable for a captain yelling “Follow me” to his troops.
The skin is based with Vallejo’s Dark Fleshtone with some beige mixed in for highlights. Metal parts show black primer under first dry-brush layer of bronze darkened with black, and a second dry-brush layer of Leadbelcher (old Boltgun Metal). The leathers are simply Vallejo’s Scorched Earth mixed with beige for higlight layers. After painting everything I splashed a generous amount of brown wash with Agrax Earthshade all over the miniature to make him look a bit dirty and to tie the colours together. That’s my standard technique for all orcish creatures. His face paint is simply White Scar painted on top of the skin after the wash had dried.
I painted Saruman’s White Hand on his shield to further show his allegiance. Painting orc symbols freehand is really easy because the orcs are not known as great artists, so the symbols don’t have to look anywhere perfect.